A monumental Marathonienne by Philippe Hiquily installed on the forecourt of the gallery
We have the honor and the great pleasure to present this monumental sculpture by Philippe Hiquily (Paris, 1925 – Villejuif, 2013) entitled the Marathonienne.
This work in welded steel and painted with black epoxy, was produced in the 1980s at the request of a French city which wanted to install a sculpture realized by the artist.
You can discover this 3.5-meter-high version of the Marathonienne on the forecourt of the Ferus Gallery in the Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (near the Harbor Master’s Office).
As usual, the artist wished to represent here the Woman, all the women, all the femininity in all its forms, even the most erotic ones. Note that this is an artwork in the form of an ode to traditional Greek sculpture; Hiquily will also continue this exploration of ancient aesthetic classicism with another work inspired by Greek creators with the Epicurean.
This Marathonienne is undoubtedly the most famous work of this great French artist. It begins to fetch substantial prices at auctions in which it participates regularly, and is now part of some of the most important sculpture collections in the world.
The one we are currently showing you on the forecourt of the Ferus Gallery is one of the last currently available on the first market. It comes from the Hiquily Foundation.
Didier Viltart
A photograph of the artwork in situ:

La Marathonienne de Philippe Hiquily